Posts Tagged ‘entrepreneur’
Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner: Which One Are You?
Source: Business News Daily | Repost QBScott 5/20/2021 – A new study finds that the difference between being an entrepreneur and a business owner lies in your company’s legal status. According to a study in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, a business’s legal status is what separates entrepreneurs from other business owners. Entrepreneurs tend to…
Read MoreHow Are Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs Faring Today In COVID-19 Downturn
Source: Forbes | Repost QBScott 8/28/2020 – Things could be better. They could also be worse—and there is the potential for things to get worse. That is, I think, the conclusion to be drawn from a review of several surveys and analyses of the current state of small businesses and entrepreneurs in the United States.…
Read More5 Personal-Finance Mistakes That Kill Promising Companies
Source: Entrepreneur | Repost QBScott 5/21/2020 – For most people, personal-finance mistakes affect only themselves. For entrepreneurs, a personal-finance slip-up can have far-reaching consequences. People who get into tight financial spots while running their businesses must make difficult choices about which bills to pay, which opportunities to let go and which partners to leave. Founders…
Read More5 Time-Saving Accounting Tips for Your Small Business
Source: | Repost 10/24/2019 – Running a business is rewarding, but also insanely time-consuming. According to a 2015 Constant Contact survey, over 40% of small business owners say they don’t take vacations, while another 40% say they don’t have enough time to spend with their friends and family. Despite this, an overwhelming 84% of…
Read More5 Accounting Tips For Small Business Owners
Source: | Re-Post QBScott 9/11/2019 – As a small business owner, it is very important to know how the accounts of your business work. Good accounting can prove to be extremely beneficial for running a successful business. Thus, it is important to know a few tips for accounting of a small business. The topics…
Read MoreThree Tips to Help You Mind Your Business
Three Tips to Help You Mind Your Business As a small business owner, you need to have a pulse on #allthethings, meaning Human Resources, Marketing, Product/Service Development, and so many other topics… including Accounting. This post will help you Mind Your Business with my three best tips I see people like yourself struggling with every…
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